24th April 2024

The "Building Leaders, Crafting Communities" Challenge

Introducing “Building Leaders, Crafting Communities”, a collaboration with Microsoft Ireland’s Dream Space, empowering students to reimagine their area to be sustainable and accessible using Minecraft Education.

As part of this project, we delivered lessons and training to Transition Year students across Dublin, exploring smart, sustainable, and accessible cities while developing leadership and communication skills. These TY champions then took on the challenge of becoming mentors by delivering workshops in their local primary schools.

Now the real fun begins: TY mentors will coach a local primary school class through a Minecraft build challenge. They are tasked with reimagining a location in their local area to be smart, sustainable, and accessible.

Students will then present their vision in the Mansion House on May 3rd to Mayor Daithi de Roiste, researchers from Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City Council, and the Dream Space team!

Why are we doing this?

  • To increase students' understanding and awareness of smart and sustainable cities
  • To foster leadership and mentoring skills in TY students
  • To provide a platform for young people to voice their insights into what a sustainable future for Dublin might look like while feeding these insights back to Dublin City Council.
  • To build new connections between primary and secondary school students and provide role models for transitioning 6th class pupils

Let the build begin!